
If you’ve ever looked closely at our business cards, you’ll see a reference to Proverbs 16:8, a Bible verse that means a lot to us.

We’re often asked why we chose to make this message part of our company’s image. We’re happy to answer that question here as we kick off our “Ask The Experts” blog. The verse reads:

“A little gained honestly is better than great wealth gotten by dishonest means.”

This is the creed we strive to live by every business day – and we’ve been blessed to earn the trust and friendship of many clients as a result.

After an auto accident, we feel strongly that you and your car deserve the very best of care. You need a friendly team who will explain the work necessary to restore your vehicle, tell you how and when it will be done and how things will be worked out with your insurance company to assure the best possible results.

What you don’t need are confusion, delays and pressure tactics that only add to the stress you’re already suffering right after an accident.

It’s really too bad that any company resorts to these practices. In our 30-plus years of serving customers in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn and the surrounding area, we’ve never felt we had to compromise our principles in order to grow our business.

People come to us because they’re convinced they’ll receive reliable advice and fast service, and we do our best to exceed their expectations.

They know we’ll advocate for them when it comes time to work with insurance adjustors, making sure all repairs are done with OEM parts, top-quality paints and supplies.

They know, too, that every BC Auto employee is encouraged to aim for the highest levels of excellence. We don’t just say we want to restore your car, truck or SUV to showroom condition; we actually do it.

We are proud of the 98% satisfaction rating our customers have given us, based on insurance company surveys. Insurers hold their own high standards for accuracy, customer care and prompt completion of repairs. We do all we can to meet their requirements as well as yours, even when it takes extra time to work out all the details.

But please don’t let this message give you the impression we’re living in a bubble. We know full well that every business in every industry must make money to survive.

Still, we’ve noticed over the years that companies and their employees thrive when they’re focused on goals that go beyond mere profits.

For us, earning your sincere thanks is where the real reward lies. When we see a beaming smile on your face when you come in to pick up your car, we know we’ve succeeded.

In return, many of you refer your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues to us. We consider these votes of confidence a real blessing. Thanks to you, our business grows – and we’re able to invest in the latest training and equipment to make sure we’re doing the finest work you’ll find anywhere.

Future blog posts will explain more about how we tackle specific problems in auto body repair, from paint matching and parts specification to determining when it’s best to “total” a car.

We hope you’ll benefit from the knowledge we share here and pass it along. From all of us at BC Auto, thanks for your trust in us. We look forward to the privilege of serving you and yours for many years to come.

© 2015 BC Auto Body
